Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Utah Trip

Collin laughing at Daddy

The cousins Chloe, Bridget, Nathan and Collin (took all four parents making silly faces and continuously putting kids back on the couch, but we got the picture)

Making a snow angel and throwing a snowball at Daddy and Grampie. What a shock to go from 85 degree weather in California to snow in Utah.

Riding the horse Nana and Grampie have at their house

It had been over a year since we went up to Utah so our trip last weekend was over due. We stayed with Ryan's parents in Mapleton and spent some good quality family time together. The road trip was interesting with a 2 year old and a two month old. We definitely made more stops than usual but surprisingly the crying was minimal in part due to the portable dvd player.


Sheldon said...

ah i miss the snow! I didn't know Ryanne's parents moved to Utah, mine did too, they live in Heber.

The Caple Crew said...

sorry, that last comment was from me! I was accidentally signed in as my husband! oops!

The Expatts said...

Sounds like fun! Sure miss you guys, and glad the trip went well! Yay for DVD players :)