Thursday, March 12, 2009

He does listen . . .

Sometimes I wonder whether or not I'm really instilling a love for the gospel in Nathan. It's so hard to know if they really get it when you pray and read the scriptures. Usually when we pray before bedtime Nathan just copies everything I say, finally the other night he said his own prayer it went like this
Nathan: "Heavenly Father. Thank you for daddy. Thank you for doctors, Thank you for my shot. Thank you prophet, bless prophet. . . Mommy do it"
And then I helped him finish. I don't know where the doctor thing came from, he hasn't had a shot for a while but it obviously left an impression.

1 comment:

The Caple Crew said...

How cute! I feel the same! Ryanne's prayers go like this "Heavenly Father, Thanks you Daddy, Mommy, Ryanne, Austin Amen"