Thursday, December 27, 2007

Finally a break

Wow next time I get pregnant I'm definitly going to try not to have the baby around Christmas. Nathan's first birthday party was so much fun, thanks to everyone that came but I almost forgot that Christmas was three days later. Hope you all enjoyed your Christmas. Here's some pictures of the chaos that was last week.


nicole said...

Katie, I can't believe Nathan is already up and on the go. So crazy how they grow so fast. I hope Nathan had a Happy Birthday. Dillon's b-day is coming up here on the 29th. Christmas time babies are crazy to give parties too. Well I hope you are doing good and hope you had a merry christmas.

The A Team said...

Katie, Nathan is so sweet!! It looks like Santa was real nice to Nathan, maybe because he didn't cry while on his lap?!
Our little one was born on the 20th. We had a girl, her name is Armanie (pronounced just like the designer) check out our blog

nicole said...

So your moving to S.B. huh?

nicole said...


Logg said...

I check your blog daily. No joke. I'm that sad. But my point is this is how I'm keeping in touch, cause I'm notoriously bad at calling.
So how about spicing up my dull little life with a new photo of cute little photo of my friend Elder NielNiel