Friday, March 27, 2009


he wouldn't even stop for a pic, this is mid run.

it was hard to get a good pic of him sliding, too bad because it was so cute!

Last night Ryan and I took Nathan and Collin and met up with our friends Brach and Nicole and their kids at JUMPZONE in Redlands. The kids had a blast. I was so surprised to see Nathan running around and going up and down the slides all by himself. He can be kind of a wimp sometimes, so I thought he would be too nervous. I've never seen the kid play so hard. It's a great place if your looking for something new to do with your kids.


Allison Holmes said...

Looks like fun! A couple of girls from my ward were talking about going there soon

The Martin Family said...

How fun!!! Your son is SO cute!!!!

The Caple Crew said...

Dang that place looks awesome! I wish we had a place like that over here! Man I need to convince my hubs to move us to California, you all look like you are having so much fun! I HAVE NO ONE DOWN HERE! AHHHHH!